Wednesday, April 2, 2014

2 April - the boy Jesus

Today we talk about the boy Jesus. And how he taught in the temple.

and this maze:

and we will make salt play dough to play with:

A cup of salt
2 cups of flour
¾ cup of water
  1. In a large bowl mix salt and flour together.
  2. Gradually stir in water. Mix well until it forms a doughy consistency.
  3. Turn the dough onto the bench and kneed with your hands until smooth and combined.
  4. Make your creations using the salt dough.
  5. Place the salt dough creations into the oven at 180C.  The amount of time needed to bake depends on the size and thickness of the salt dough creations.

1 April - baby Jesus is born

I LOVE Easter. Just as much as Christmas. I want my children to love this special holiday as well so I will do last years advent calendar over again, because we loved it so much!
We also made a lent tree. We don't celebrate lent itself but I love the idea. Free images here: and other cute images here:

Here we go again:

Every day we will read a story of the life of Jesus and do some coloring and activities about that event in his life. They keep it in a special binder and add a page or two every day until Easter.

I will post the links of what we did every day.
and this:

Bible video:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Witte kool schotel (zonder gluten en zonder suiker!)


1 witte kool (ca 750g)
50g boter
peper en zout
200ml bouillon (voor de glutenvrije versie wel glutenvrije bouillon gebruiken)
2 uien
400g gehakt (rund of lam)
4 eetlepels geconcentreerd tomatenpuree
200g feta kaas
3 eieren
200ml melk

Oven op 175 C voorverwarmen. De kool wassen en in dunne repen snijden (zonder de stronk), uien in stukjes snijden. Gehakt, uien en kool in de boter bakken, na enkele minuten 100ml van het bouillon er bij gieten en 20 min. laten koken op klein vuur. Met peper, zout en paprika op smaak brengen. Een grote ovenschaal met boter invetten. De kool met vlees in de schaal doen. De andere 100ml van de bouillon met het tomatenpuree mengen en over de kool gieten, de feta kaas in kleine stukjes breken en over de schotel verdelen. In een andere kom de eieren met melk roeren, beetje zout en peper er bij en dan over de schotel gieten. In de oven en 20 - 30 minuten bakken.

Eet smakelijk!