Sunday, February 19, 2012

Little red

It's carnaval here and I was so sure that my little girl wanted to dress up as a princess because that's what she does all day every day, BUT I was wrong. She wanted to be little red riding hood. I was thrilled to sew her this costume! The pattern is from an old Knippie magazine. She actually wore wight panties and boots, but this girls changes clothes all day long. And hairstyles. Gotta love little girls!
And now her brother wants the wolf costume. Ha ha. Deal.

Kiki in the meadow

This is a pattern of the famous Fröken Skicklig doll: Kiki in the meadow. I loved making this doll! The instructions were easy to follow and I can't wait to make another one! I decided on a crochet wig for this little girl and I like it.
 Aren't her undies so cute?
 The shoe pattern is by this talented woman. Check out her etsy shop!

Monday, February 6, 2012

CTR cookies

One of my Primary kids got baptised yesterday and I just had to give this tutorial a try. Making your own CTR shaped cookie cutter was easier than I thought. When you have a husband with a toolbox at hand. :D Thanks honey!